Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection:Arcade Classics评论| thexboxHub



VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Video game compilations are like those "buy one, get one" offers that pop up in supermarkets and online retailers every now and then. Only they're better. More often it's "buy one, get three" or "buy one, get eight". In 2024, there were plenty of good deals, including Castlevanina Dominus Collection, which assembled three must-play handheld Castlevania titles and revivified one of罕见的特许经营者:凯恩(Kain)的遗产:《灵魂掠夺者1和2》(Soul Reaver 1&2),纪念25年的灵魂掠夺者,涂上了新鲜的油漆和生活质量更新。